Antonio Sejas



Angular2 Book Español Sejas

iOS, Android Apps

Bibliomad Mobile Application by Antonio Sejas

Ruso Español Mobile Application by Antonio Sejas

About me

Antonio Sejas is my name and I am a Dreamer who uses Technology to make people's life easier. This is my real talent. Learn, Teach, Develop and Share.

I'm an entepreneur, instructor and developer. I work on my dream everyday. No excuses.

My Vision

Nowdays we are enjoying the best moment for human beings. Our mobile phones have a better camera than the first movie cameras, our laptops are more powerful than the satelites we send to the space. We have the chance to create BIG things with small price in short time.

We must realize that this opportunity is unique, and It's our responsability to create a better world for all of us. We have short time, Let's use it !

Very often, I like to close my eyes and see how will be our world. And I can imagine the best world ever. Full of Technology, full of Humanity and full of Kindness.

Finally, my vision is to take advantage from all our knowledge and take every single oportunity we have in life to try to be the best version of our selves. And make the difference.

My studies

Do you want to know more about my profesional/academyc background? Take a look at my Linkedin Profile, and find out.

Designed and developed with love by Antonio Sejas